Meet the Maker
Hi, I'm Ashley, the Happy Hooker! I'm a mom, an animal lover, a craft and wool addict with a slight sense of humour.
I was first introduced to crochet by my grandmother at a young age. I developed my crochet skills 20 years later with books. Remember the days prior to Google and YouTube? It was tough to teach yourself how to read patterns and decipher what the graphics and symbols meant, especially when I knew nobody who knew how to crochet to offer tips.
It was only when we relocated to Thunder Bay that Happy Hooker was born. Since opening, on top of handcrafting crochet pieces, I began designing my own crochet patterns and testing patterns for other crochet and knit designers. I began offering group crochet classes and private tutoring lessons. I truly believe in the meditative and healing components of creating fibre arts (not just crochet). Teaching classes allows me to share my love of crochet and hopefully provide others with a productive coping skills.
Why the "Happy Hooker"? Because fibre arts is my therapy and creative outlet. I firmly believe in the meditative and healing powers of art; whether it be music, dancing, painting, or any other art form including fibre arts. Crocheting soothes my soul and allows for me to express myself while releasing all types of energy.
Someone is getting married or having a baby? I'll celebrate by creating them a gift. I'm having a bad day or received bad news? I'll crochet some lace to distract myself from my worries. It centres me and uplifts my mood when I need it.
I also adore to laugh and a sucker for punny jokes. Since crocheters use a crochet hook to crochet, what better nickname to adopt than "Happy Hooker"?
As I evolve, I'm truly grateful for all the support I've received so far! I can't wait to bring you more designs!